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Privacy policy

This is Ahooy Creative’s registry and privacy statement in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Created on August 20, 2021. Last updated on October 30, 2023.

1. Data Controller
Ahooy Creative, Kauppakatu 12, 70100 Kuopio

2. Person Responsible for the Registry
Antti Makkonen
antti.makkonen at
+358 44 7909880

3. Name of the Registry
Ahooy Website Registry Description

4. Legal Basis and Purpose of Processing Personal Data
The purpose of processing personal data is for customer communication. Data is not used for automated decision-making or profiling.

5. Contents of the Registry
This website uses Google Analytics, which collects anonymous data via cookies. Information obtained from contact forms is not used for marketing purposes but solely for direct contact by the company. Contact form data includes: Name, email, phone number, company name, and message.

6. Regular Data Sources
Data is collected solely from messages sent via web forms. Information about company contacts can also be collected from public sources like websites, directories, and other companies.

7. Regular Data Disclosures and Transfers Outside EU/EEA
Data is not regularly disclosed to third parties. Stored data is not published. No individualized data is transferred forward.

8. Principles for Securing the Registry
Caution is exercised in data processing and the data processed through information systems is appropriately secured. When data is stored on internet servers, appropriate physical and digital security measures are taken. The data controller ensures that stored data and server access rights, among other critical information for data security, are processed confidentially and only by employees whose job description includes it.

9. Right to Inspect and Right to Request Data Correction
Every person in the registry has the right to check the stored data and to request correction of incorrect or incomplete information. Written requests should be sent to the data controller. Identity of the requester may be verified. The data controller will respond within the time frame specified in the EU’s data protection regulation (mainly within a month).

10. Other Rights Related to Personal Data Processing
Persons in the registry have the right to request deletion of personal data (“right to be forgotten”). Additionally, registrants have other rights in accordance with the EU’s general data protection regulation, like the right to restrict processing in certain situations. Written requests should be sent to the data controller. Identity of the requester may be verified. The data controller will respond within the time frame specified in the EU’s data protection regulation (mainly within a month).